Wednesday, July 17, 2013


"Trust in The Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5
In what seemed like a whirlwind of a couple of days, we all were finally in the same place. Together. All eleven of us. For most of our team, it was their first venture onto the streets of Uganda. We all had a different story. All had heard about Sozo in ways only God could receive glory for. From falling in love with a little boy most know as Jimmy Thing through the daily posts by one of our precious missionaries, Laura. To hearing The Lord speak loud and clear, give up everything you have come to know and grow comfortable with and head on over to Africa--and he has. Twice. To seeing someone wear a Sozo tshirt in a Midwest state nowhere close to home and finding us that way. The Lord was clearly at work. Willing spirits result in a clean slate for our Father to work, and that He did! 
The ten days we spent in Uganda were nothing shy of hectic at times. We had a packed schedule so everyone tightened up their flexible pants and we conquered all we had planned. 
Worshipping as ONE family--together--at church is one of my favorite things about Uganda. For a couple of hours on Sunday mornings, you forget that the other six days a week are spent at 3 separate houses and 3 different schools. It's just a sweet reminder of the days that are soon to come where everyday will be spent together. Be still my heart at this precious thought. For one of the first times during my time spent in Uganda, I was overwhelmed at the beautifully innocent sight of some of our children pressing into The Lord and seeking His heart in worship. Reckless abandon. Their chains were gone. They've been set free. The Lord has done a mighty work in their lives. He's moved the mountains that they were told all their lives would never move. They've overcome the odds that were set against them. They know what freedom feels like, and they lavish in that. The way they worship our Father will humble you quicker than anything else. It does me. But there was something different about Andrew lifting those scarred arms toward the Ultimate Physician that morning. And something unique about the joy that radiated from Badru's infamous smile as he sang a new song. Or maybe I finally stopped long enough to breathe in the beauty of the mighty hand that is at work in each one of these children's lives. With one salty tear that streaked my check, more soon followed. Lord, let me learn from their passion to seek and know You more deeply and intimately. 
We spent the afternoon at house 3 where they all got brand new soccer jerseys donated by BUSA(MT--you're great!!). It was like Christmas morning as they each were handed a jersey then dashed off to their room to try it on. Our boys live for a good soccer match! You mention "football," and those ears hear those sacred words--watch out!!
They were ready to play, and we were ready to take the sights in! We popped open the nets and with a freshly pumped soccer ball, we took to the "field" or front yard! But first, we had to capture this exciting day, so like picture day for any typical team, one by one they posed for a snap. Man, I was one proud team manager! 
After about an hour of pure joy and 17 sweaty boys later, we loaded the jerseys up to take home for a good washing and were blessed to do devotion that evening with them. There are not many things more memorable than a good evening devotion at house 3. They love The Lord with all of their heart, mind and soul and they display this truth through worship, prayer and testimonies. Testimonies that usually begin with "I thank God for my life and for your life too." 
We began Monday with a quick boda boda ride back to Mercy Home which truly marks Sozo's starting point on the God-breathed journey He has walked hand-in-hand with us on.
Tuesday was spent in the village. We were able to go door to door and share The Gospel with families throughout the community. The eagerness for prayer that you see with those you come in contact with will move you. Over the past few months we've been able to witness The Lord do a work in individuals and among families. Some have prayerfully asked God to be the center of their lives. Salvation is what it's all about. I stand in awe that we get to play a part in life changing moments.
We shared scripture and were able to pray blessings over these families. Believing for opportunities for work to come along, financial provision, healing for sick family members and ultimately that the Love of Christ would wrap His arms around these individuals. 
We spent the following day with some of the most incredible families that we have come to know and love in Kabalagala. My heart rejoices as we come up to the window of Mama George and she turns that corner to greet us with hugs and kind words. Then out shoots George. He was home from school that day and he was as wild as ever. There is something so unique, so special, about him. He's a ball of energy and full of life. I snap photos and briefly catch up with his God-fearing momma and off we go. We then head to make my all-time favorite trek of the slums--the trek to Mama Phiona's. Davis and I didn't make it 10 feet before Henry was in full sprint down the hill.
Lord have mercy, what this child does to my soul. I scoop him up and kiss those sweet cheeks of his and its off to his house to see my favorite mama of them all-Beatrice! She lets out her joyous shriek and I hug that neck so tightly. What I would do to see that woman weekly. The language barrier that used to be so thick is beginning to break, and again I am reminded love trumps all.
She teaches me something new each time I get to see her. That day, she taught me trust. She has displayed trust with us on many occasions. Each time we get to visit though, she welcomes us in with open arms. She has learned to trust us and knows that we love her and every single one of her precious children unconditionally! We then went over to meet up with the team at Jimmy's compound. The mzungus had been spotted and the crowd of children were growing by the minute. Laughter echoed off those dirt walls we were surrounded by and it did my heart well to be able to soak up not only the sounds of joyful children but also the sight of 10 of the most loving team members pouring out every ounce of love they could possibly spill over onto these innocent lives. We wrapped up the afternoon with Jimmy Thing posing for a sponsor surprise to come later this year. 
We brought in America's birthday from across the big pond on July 4th. We headed back to the village on the 4th to spend a little time with Teacher Margaret and her bundles of joy she selflessly teaches each day.
Oh the miracles that take place in this 10 by 10 foot classroom. She is annointed by Christ to teach like no other. Thank you for your obedience to say yes Teacher Margaret. The light that you shine and the difference you're making in these 40+ children's lives on a daily basis!
We were also blessed to see the ONE Interns from Sozo working very hard in order to reach the goal date to complete village projects they began earlier this summer. It's hard work and no walk in the park by any means, but they do it with such grace and joy, you would never know it!
Thank you ONE Sozo interns for the blisters, sore muscles and exhausted bodies at the end of the day. The Lord is at work through y'all and the way you all served pushed us all closer to Christ. 
The week ended with a wedding celebration! Daudi and Maureen tied the knot on Saturday, July 6th! The wedding was short and sweet--both of them were glowing with pride at the first sight of each other. 
After they said "I do!" the party began! With horns blowing, Harley Davidson's revving their engines and cheers and waves from all, the bride and groom were on their way to the reception!! A short drive from the church, hidden behind the infamous Shell station we park at on days we visit Kabalgala, was where the reception celebration would take place. And a celebration it was!! Yellow and blue was the theme, and they did not disappoint with the music and food! We even got a little taste of Dave Barnes and K-Ci and JoJo!! 
But the only thing that could have made this day better would be to celebrate with some of our favorite Kabalagala munchkins!! 
Before we could get settled into our chairs to take in the sights and sounds, some familiar faces came running in! Dressed in their best for probably their first wedding experience, they were enthralled. And I must admit, we were too!!
Before the night wrapped up, we spent the last few minutes sending our love to all of our sweet friends who had joined us to celebrate Daudi and Maureen's marriage! We decided to add a little American kick to the mix because seriously, who can go to a reception and leave before the dance floor sees a little action! So we slipped our dancing shoes on and spun in circles under that flawless Ugandan star-filled sky! I must admit, I hands down had the best dancing partner and I loved every minute of sweet Henry and I dancing!
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us on Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace, with which He has blessed us in the Beloved." Ephesians 1:3-6
Each time I leave, I am reminded of how much that place feels like home. And before I can begin to think about letting the tears come, I quickly remind myself I'll be back soon. The kids are growing like weeds, getting smarter by the day and mirroring Christ reflection more and more daily. How sweet it is to be reminded that they are being raised to be future leaders of Uganda and from the look of things, Uganda has a bright future in store if our children will be the ones helping to lead the way. 

Please continue to pray for our children's education as they are always asking and praying for more wisdom and knowledge, and prayer for our moms and dads who are raising them up to be God-fearing men and women! We could not be more thankful for the wonderful staff the Lord has put in our path.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

BIG Thanks to A Hoop and a Stitch...

Many have asked about ways to support me on this journey with Sozo...

And here is the newest way to do so...

Kayla Bates with A Hoop and a Stitch has so graciously partnered up with me to do a fundraiser to go towards my ministry with Sozo Children. As of today, you can now order one of these fabulous t-shirts to add to your wardrobe! I could not be any more excited with how wonderful they turned out, and take my word, they are my FAVORITE shirts! You will LOVE it, I promise!

Each shirt will be $25

In order to make the ordering process easier for all parties, we have decided to pick four(4) t-shirt colors and four(4) chevron patterns so that you will not be overwhelmed in making a decision. 

T-Shirt color options:



Washed White

Chevron Patterns:

Blue and White Chevron
Purple and White Chevron
Grey and White Chevron
Multi-colored Chevron

We are confident that you will be able to create the perfect shirt for yourself. These are available in all adult sizes, but we can also do children sizes too. Please just email me at to place a children's size t shirt order. 

You can place an order many different ways: 
1. Email me with your shirt color, chevron pattern, size t shirt and contact info
2. Go directly to my Etsy Page and order one today
3. Message me on facebook or contact me by phone

THANK YOU for your continuous support on this journey of a lifetime! I could not ask for a better support system and group of prayer warriors backing me every step of the way! 

"Stop doing what you're able to do and figure out what you were made to do--then do lots of that."
Love Does by Bob Goff

Monday, June 10, 2013


"Black or white, we all have a story to tell," Stella humbly prayed one night in closing prayer. The amount of truth this statement held left tears streaming down my face. The Lord has led each one of us on a journey that has resulted in a story to tell. It's time to step forth confidently and tell your story. My story. It doesn't have to be pretty. It doesn't have to flow like a steady stream. Mine for sure does not. But it does have to be told. Because The Lord has done mighty things. And the good news is He isn't finished. He is refining our stories daily. We are all a work in progress, but whether you are living a middle class life in America or fighting for your life in a third-world country, we all have one thing in common--a Father who loves us unconditionally and is writing a beautiful story of redemption on each one of our lives.

The plane flights start to drag by slower and slower the closer you get. It doesn't matter how many times you make this flight, your heart is overwhelmingly excited to see the faces and hug the ones you hold so close in what has become another place I find myself calling home. May has become the month of celebration here at Sozo. On May 13th, we celebrated a special 3rd birthday. This date represents the day the doors of our first home at Sozo in Uganda opened initially. 17 children. No clue what the next step looked like. Just raw obedience. Some days i close my eyes and try to imagine what that day looked like for Allen and Jay. The countless emotions that raced, the nerves, the unknown and yet still the peace that truly does surpass all understanding rested on them at the end of that day. A leap of faith, to say the least, but one that resulted in a domino effect of seeing 69 children growing, loving and excelling in a consistent home that was grounded in The Lord. We fully rely daily on the guidance from the Holy Spirit to lead us in the way we should go and we call upon patience, understanding, mercy and Christ's love with each day that passes. But we are seeing the fruit that has resulted in the way these sweet lives have been invested into over the last 3 years.

"I discovered an astonishing truth; God is attracted to weakness. He can't resist those who humbly and honestly admit how desperately they need him." --Jim Cymbala

I was privileged with the opportunity to spend about 18 days back in Uganda during the month of May. Each time I return, it hits me on another level that I am truly watching these precious lives grow up right before my eyes. I've seen Mercy go from having a huge space in that sweet smile from losing her first few baby teeth, to seeing a little white speck peak through her gums, to now seeing a tooth poking out. I've seen Big Eddie go from being withdrawn when he is in a group of people, to him now dancing, clapping and singing in devotion. I've watched many of our boys and girls in house 3 step up and proactively take part in being leaders within the house. I've seen what appeared to be little girls and boys just a few months ago become young women and men overnight. I consider this a blessing.

 I was there with Zub on his first day eating at the house. On this February day i will not soon forget, we had to teach him to stir his food together, followed by teaching him how to eat his food with a fork, as it became increasingly obvious that the act of partaking in a hot meal served in a bowl was something that had not been readily present in his life. This truth was evident by one glance at his swollen belly and protruding chest--he was malnourished in every sense.

Physically, emotionally and spiritually. He scarfed his food down like he was in an eating competition. He was hesitant to allow anyone to show him affection, then once that wall came down, he clung tighter to my neck with each hug that was given. But, oh dear friends, the transformation that can take place, by the grace of God, in just a matter of a few short months. When I saw him in May, he had grown taller, he was speaking more English, he was eating like a growing boy should be and that sweet belly of his was going down. After he was diagnosed and treated for worms, malaria and typhoid fever on one of my first few days back, the road to being a healthy and growing 8 year old boy was back in full swing.

He sat in my lap on the way to church as we piled in like sardines in our taxi my last Sunday in Uganda. He watched out the window as we passed the hundreds of people carrying on with their everyday lives on the streets of Uganda. The market. The hair saloon. The butcher. MTN minute booths. And his eyes stayed fixed out the window the whole time. He was lost in a gaze and I immediately began to think about what all he had seen in his short 8 years of life. What his everyday life consisted of prior to Sozo. Had he been told "I love you" before he was daily loved, hugged and kissed on within the safe walls of our compound, or more importantly does he know that he has a Heavenly Father that adores him and longs to have a relationship with him. What did he do when he was scared? Who comforted or took care of him when he was sick?

And then just as quickly as those questions raced through my mind about sweet Subaria(Zub), I began thinking about each one of our children. The neglect, the rejection, the lack of love that was a reality in one way or another for each one of them during their childhood. Oh, how I hope to never quickly forget that every single one of our children have walked in shoes that we cannot even begin to fathom. At one time they drank impure water. At one time they went days without food. And at one time they too did not know if they would ever escape the nightmare they were living. How blessed I feel that The Lord allows us to be His hands and His feet to the precious lives that He has so carefully entrusted to us.

And oh how special the day was that we journeyed over bumpy dirt roads and gracefully made our way through mud pits formed by a morning downpour out to the 60+ acres of land we are eagerly waiting to purchase. For the first time, I physically set my eyes on the land that we are ever so confident The Lord has called Sozo to claim as home. 

This will soon be the foundation that The Sozo Village will be built upon. I've seen pictures. I've seen video. I've heard numerous stories told about the incredible families in the community that surrounds. But as we looked over this open space covered with the greenest grass I've ever seen in Africa, rolling hills that looked like they were made to scurry to the top, followed by rolling back down like you are reliving one of your childhood afternoons in the summer and the beautiful Lake Victoria that borders one side of the land. It left me breathless. It already felt like home. And as much as I thought that I loved that land prior to pulling up to it, this was trumped by an urgency and longing for the day the land has been paid in full and has the name 'Sozo Children' written across the top of the titles for this land.

Dear friends, it's evident that His hand is all over The Village Project and He gets every bit of honor and glory for what has already been accomplished, and the exciting days that lie ahead of us. Some ask why there is such an urgency to raise the remaining funds needed to purchase this piece of land and to begin building on it. We are urgent because there are thousands of lives waiting to have a faith family for the very first time. Oh how precious that first Sunday service will be at the first building to go up, the church. We are urgent because of the amount of souls waiting to hear about a Savior who paid the ultimate price for them, as love kept Him nailed to that cross. Oh how I can hardly wait to hear the angels rejoice as the lost sheep return Home one by one. Salvation awaits. 

We are urgent because of the hundreds of lives that are waiting to call Sozo home. We have already began praying for safety, protection and a persistent hope for those who will soon be told "Tubatwala Walungi"(We are taking you to a better place). Oh how unforgettable and uniquely distinct each day will be that The Lord allows us to "sozo" just one more. 

We are urgent because there are many like this sweet little girl on the left who shook violently, as her body was overtaken by fever and chills. There isn't a medical clinic anywhere in this village or even within walking distance to her home. How vital will a medical clinic be to this community? A medical clinic that will provide for immediate needs but at the end of the day pointing these lives to the Ultimate Physician. And lastly, we are urgent because the nearest school for these children in the community to attend is at least 5 miles away and must be reached by foot. Once they arrive to school, they are in classrooms where the student to teacher ratio is anywhere from 150-200 students for every 1 teacher. You read that correctly, ONE teacher. These children need an opportunity to thrive within a classroom setting and receive an education.

The possibilities are endless. The dreams that are building within the lives of our children who are currently in house and those who are still to come, are vital and important. The Lord has stirred the desire within us to see this carried out unto completion. Will you join the journey with us? Will you prayerfully consider contributing to the purchasing of this piece of land? Will you play a part by investing into the lives of the future leaders of Uganda?? How I pray The Lord will nudge you to make a move today. To play an important part in the story that The Lord is daily writing at Sozo. 

I am enthralled by the Lord's love and plans for Sozo with each page that turns....


Visit to financially join the journey today.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Fundraising...African Style.

As my journey continues with Sozo, I will periodically be selling different handmade items to help fund and support along the way. Just as I sold Africa prayer ornaments back during the holidays(which are still for sale, CLICK HERE if interested in purchasing one), I will now be selling African bags that are handmade in Uganda. Each bag has a 5 inch burlap cut out of Africa that covers the front. With the purchase of one of these bags, you will be playing a special role in the journey that I have embarked on with Sozo.

You can place your order today for one of these bags(more colors to come this week) by emailing me at . Each bag cost $25.00 and if it will be shipped to you, it will be an additional $5.00 to cover shipping. I am able to receive payment by cash, check or credit card. You can also go straight to my Etsy page to place your order.

Thank you for all the love, support, prayers and the way each of you come alongside me daily to see this dream truly be a reality in my life.